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TVMS Library: Instrument Families

Library resources, project guides, and more.

Big Idea

Working in pairs, students will create a presentation related to an instrument.  It will be one of the primary instruments in the instrument family (i.e., violin, flute, trumpet, etc).

The presentation must be at least 5 slides long with the following information:

Slide 1:  Introduction--Write the name of the instrument that you are presenting as well as your first name, last initial only, and class (6-E or 6-O)

Slide 2:  Background--Introduce your instrument.  What instrument family does it belong to?  What is it made from?  In what country did it originate?  How do you play it?  In what type of music would we hear your instrument?  Would you find it in a symphony orchestra?  A jazz band?  A rock band?

Slide 3:  Musicians--Find three musicians who are known for playing your instrument.  Make sure the musicians are from different musicial genres (styles).  

Slide 4:  Musical example--This is going to require help from Mrs. Todaro.  You and your partner will need to look up two musical examples--one classical and one of any other genre.  Bring these to Mrs. Todaro so she can review them and help you link them to your presentation.

Slide 5:  Closing


You and your partner will present to the class.  This presentation will take the place of a test.  Part of your grade is a "partner grade", where you will grade on how much your partner helped in the process.  

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    • username:  24+first initial+last  (example:
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  4. Click the waffle icon, go to Slides

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1) Click the link above and click "Log In"

  • username = your full email address (example,
  • password = your 6-digit ID number