The 3D printer is available for use by Twin Valley students and staff. Priority will be given to students and staff printing objects for class projects.
There is no cost to print at this time.
Projects must show evidence of “tinkering” or modification by the students (not just an object found on Thingiverse or a similar site). Students are encouraged to use to design their own 3D objects. Offensive, inappropriate, or dangerous objects will not be printed.
While logged into your account, go to
Click the Join Now button
Click Create a Personal Account
Click Login with Google and select your .info account
If you need to enter a Class Code, use: 7FMZE3CWS
Once you’re logged in, go on the the next section, Getting Started!
Log in to
Click on the Learn button at the top
Under the Starters section, start with the Place It! activity. Continue through the rest of the starters (there are 7 in all) to develop your TinkerCad skills!
You can also view the TinkerCad Tutorials on the Library Resources page.
Be sure you’ve checked the printability of your project before submitting it for printing. Check out the TinkerCad Tutorials on the Library Resources page for help with this.
Click on the title in the upper left corner, and give your design a title that’s easily recognizable.
Click here to complete the Request to Print in Google Forms.
**Note: For your project to get printed, it must be something original created by you. Downloaded 3D files created by someone else will not be printed.
Click here for a longer, but very detailed tutorial on using TinkerCad.