Directions were created for iPads
Click on Images in the black bar across the top of the page.
Tap once on the gear to the right of the words "Sign In".
Tap on "Advanced Image Search."
Press and hold your finger on the image and select "Save Image."
Press and hold your finger on the photo and select "Save Image."
Your picture will appear in Photos.
Type your search word in the search window and press Search.
Above the words "Everyone's photos" tap the triangle beside "Any license" and select "No known copyright restrictions."
On the bottom right corner is a download button (an arrow pointing down to a line). Press once and choose "original."
Press and hold your finger on the photo and select "Save Image."
Your picture will appear in Photos.
Type your search word in the search window and press return.
Tap your finger on the photo that you would like to use.
Tap once more to make it full size.
Press and hold finger on the photo and select "Save Image."
Your picture will appear in Photos.
Tap on Photos.
Tap once on the picture that you want to put in Google Drive.
Press the Share button on the top right (square with an arrow coming out the top)
Tap on Google Drive or tap on More if it is not showing.
Tap on Select User at the bottom and choose
Tap My Drive and Choose Library
Tap your grade.
Tap your teacher.
Tap the folder for the project.
Tap Save Here.
Tap the file name next to the thumbnail of the image.
Name your file using the following scheme with no spaces between words.
first name picture 1
first name picture 2