Media Specialist
5. Promote the use of the school library by students, faculty and community
Checking Out Materials, students are allowed:
Kindergarten-1 book
1st and 2nd-2 books, 1 magazine, 1 movie
3rd and 4th-4 books, 1 magazine, 1 movie
Library book selections are underway!
Students are able to keep materials for 12 days. After that the system indicates it is overdue.
Each week an automated overdue report is generated and emails are sent to parents if an email address was provided to the district. These emails are a gentle reminder that there is an overdue. Please have your child visit me or return the book during their next library time.
If a book is lost or damaged, please contact me and we will coordinate a solution,
Keep on Reading!
Mrs. Galaska
How do you stop Canadian Bacon from curling in the frying pan?
Take away their little brooms.
Two of my favorite puddin' pops!
And granddaughter of Nancy Garner was up late reading!
Some Projects from the Library
Acrostic Poems Lib Lab 1st grade
Dr. Seuss by Lib Lab 1st grade