Welcome to AP Music Theory!
AP Music Theory is a course that is designed for students that are interested in studying the inner workings of how music works. Students will develop several distinct skill sets during this course: sight-singing/reading, dictation (hearing music and writing it down), writing/composing music, and analyzing music. Each of these skills contributes to the success of the advanced musician, but they take time to develop well. The summer work you'll find in this course is designed to help you maintain your fundamental music theory skills as you prepare for the AP course itself. All of the assignments & lessons are posted in schoology. Use the following join code to log in and begin: DXZM-3SJC-3TVWX.
All of the work in this course should be completed by the first day of class, whether fall or spring.
Email me if you have questions: cbreidinger@tvsd.info
Enjoy a wonderful summer break, and I'll see you in APMT!